Long time, so see. Ok, a quick summary... Life Sucks!!! Met Rachel on ICQ, befriended her, online dated her, broke up. We're still friends. Today, Michelle Vitale told me she knew how I felt about her. The feeling isn't mutual. End of the story, but she still wants to be friends.
Just my personal blog with random thoughts and maybe future shared writings. Feel free to message me with a subject for future posts. I'm mostly an open book.
Friday, August 20, 1999
Friday, January 1, 1999
Life sucks, so here's more proof. It's the first of the year and it's about 4:30am. Everyone, Mut Matt (a friend of Jason) (I'm at Willy's place) is asleep. I can't sleep. Willy told me something today that is keeping me awake. He said that Mariluz is contemplating asking me to her prom. I don't know what to say. I've never been so surprised. She's a beautiful girl and I love her to death, but me? I almost find it hard to believe. Ok, I do find it hard to believe. A prom date is supposed to be a boyfriend/girlfriend thing. Or between very close friends. I don't see either of those relationships between us; especially with the large gaps of time between our meetings. I mean, I love her, but I don't see that emotion from her. And if it turns out to be true, and if I go (you know I will) it'll make her leaving so much harder on me. I couldn't say no, even if I wanted to. I just hope he wasn't joking. Jokes aren't meant to hurt this much.